Sunday, 5 October 2014

It's Okay Not To Be Okay!

Obviously the last post was pretty heavy and full-on. I just felt that I needed to air out all the details and give some background so that the purpose of this blog would be clear. This one is just a short post to say thank you!! :)

I went five years without expecting and asking for any support because I was so used to dealing with my problems and any issues I had by myself. But this year, I guess as I opened up to more people, more people offered and gave their support. Many people have contacted me and spoken to me about my last post, and it has honestly been quite frightening and exciting! I never expected people to be so open to There is Life Out There and me sharing my story as they have been. It has been really encouraging as I felt that writing this blog would give me the opportunity to further deal with my experiences. So I can whole-heartedly say that I am truly grateful for the feedback I've received from everyone, even though some may have found the subject raw and difficult!

Having gone through what I have, and experiencing many emotions (being a girl I naturally have many anyway - so just times that by a million and there you go!) I'm learning that it's actually okay not to be okay! I'm learning that it's okay to ask for some help sometimes!

When we see others struggling or going through hardships, it's easier to realise that they need some encouragement and support. However, just because it's easier to know when people need a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on when they are more vocal about their struggles, it is not an excuse to brush off or ignore them when they aren't as proactive in seeking support from others.

We all fight our own battles, often silently, covered cleverly by a smile. But we are social beings. We crave affection and attention. We all do! So, surely, we can all give it! We can all care and offer our support wherever and whenever possible. because at the end of the day, we will all inevitably go through an experience that challenges us and stretches us to our limits.

So, if we own it, if we take the first step and acknowledge that it's okay not to be okay all of the time, that's a step forward. And a step in the right direction!

Erin x

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